*** ----> Pakistan: Moving towards progress | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pakistan: Moving towards progress

As Pakistan moves  towards stability and progress, the celebrations of our national day become even more jubilant. While it is true that National days are moments of celebration, I have always felt that the level of celebrations usually reflect the sense of national pride that a citizen feels towards their nation. Let me assure you that if you ask any Pakistani today, he will not only be full of this sense of national pride, he would also give you a series of reasons why he strongly believes that Pakistan is truly making remarkable progress in every sphere.  

Despite challenges, Pakistan’s government and all relevant state institutions have put into place the environment that is leading our country slowly but surely towards its rightful glory.  Everyone would agree that a politically more stable Pakistan would pave the way for economic growth, and today due to the meaningful steps being taken by our government, armed forces and law enforcing agencies, the law and order situation has improved. 

This is the main reason why Pakistan’s financial capital Karachi is now hustling and bustling with activity.   This is a real achievement, and everyone who lives in Karachi would agree. Just like Karachi all our cities are becoming more safe and vibrant with Art, Culture and Sport clearly visible in our social fabric.

The government remains determined to improve the life of its citizens and empower them through education and employment.  There is a clear commitment towards education and improving literacy, and towards creating equal opportunities for all segments of society including women and minorities who are all given a level playing field.  Pakistan has extended hands of friendship towards all its neighbours as we firmly believe in maintaining cordial relations with all nations of the world on principles of mutual respect and dignity. 

Today, Pakistan is playing a vital role in international diplomacy and contributing to peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations globally. We remain committed to sustainable development goals of the United Nations and play our effective and positive role in the comity of nations.  

We strongly believe in expanding our trade and creating a favourable environment for investment, and we take pride in the fact that according to independent analysts, Pakistan is position itself as an emerging economy that offers attractive opportunities for investment and trade. It is evident from the emergence of China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is emerging as a landmark project in Pakistan’s economic and trade history which will make Pakistan a global hub of trade and business for the region.

So, as we celebrate our National Day we also remember our founding fathers and pay tribute to their struggle, and their leadership. We reiterate our commitment to their vision to making a moderate, progressive and democratic Pakistan which provides every citizen with equal opportunities.  

Every Pakistani believes that if we truly want to contribute towards Pakistan’s journey towards greatness we must always adhere to the principles of Unity, Faith and Discipline that have been taught to us by the father of our nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

I wish all Pakistanis inside and outside Pakistan, a Very Happy National Day.

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