*** ----> Sales volume, production of Alba increase | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Sales volume, production of Alba increase

Manama Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) started 2018 with a record-breaking first quarter’s operational performance as Sales volume topped 251,637 metric tonnes (mt), up by 3.6 per cent Year-over-Year (YoY), while Production stretched by 4.3pc YoY to reach 259,399 mt. 

In addition, Alba closed this quarter with Value-Added (VA) Sales averaging 58pc of total shipments versus 56pc for the same period in 2017.

Commenting on Alba’s Sales volume and Production for Q1 2018, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray said:  “Despite the market’s volatility, we continue to capitalize on our culture of ‘always do better than necessary’ and were able to stretch our targets thanks to our operational efficiency and dedication of our employees.  We aim to continue with the same momentum to reach 1 Million mt production by the end of 2018”. 

Alba will release its first quarter 2018 Financial Results on April 29, 2018 as well as upload the IR presentation on www.albasmelter.com 


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