*** Bahrain-US ties closest in the region: US envoy | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain-US ties closest in the region: US envoy

ManamaUS Ambassador to Bahrain Justin Siberell yesterday thanked His Majesty King, His Royal Highness the Prime Minister and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for “their untiring support of a strong and enduring partnership between the American and Bahraini people.”

“Our relationship has been built through the work of Bahraini and American engineers and technicians who cooperated in the development of Bahrain’s rich energy resources. And with Bahrain’s newest discovery, we hope for even more cooperation in the years to come,” Siberell said as he hosted a reception celebrating 242 years of independence for the United States of America.

“The United States’ relationship with Bahrain is one of our oldest and closest in the region,” Siberell said adding: “It began more than a century ago, with the arrival of a group of remarkable and selfless individuals who founded the American Mission Hospital in Manama. Their example – of service, kindness and friendship – provides the foundation upon which we have built our close bond. 

Our relationship has been built through a commitment to the security of this vital region, and the hosting for more than 70 years of the United States Navy. In that time, generations of sailors and their families have enjoyed some of the best years of their lives through the generous hospitality and friendship of the Bahraini government and people,” Siberell added in his first celebration of US Independence Day as ambassador.

“Our relationship has been built through personal friendships formed by the thousands of Bahrainis who attended America’s finest colleges and universities, and through the countless individual citizens of our two countries who have developed and maintained friendships through business, tourism, culture and the arts. And, finally, our relationship has been built and sustained by the commitment and wisdom of our two nations’ political leaderships, who have worked together in building and expanding the blessings of peace, stability and prosperity in this vital region,” the diplomat told his hundreds of guests.

Shaikh Khalifa bin Rashid Al Khalifa and Southern Governor His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Khalifa were the guests of honour.

The ambassador said that the strength of the relationship between the two countries was not measured only by historical accomplishments and stressed that it was “as robust as it has ever been and expanding day by day.”

“Two-way trade in goods and services between our countries now exceeds $3 billion. More and more American companies are recognising the opportunity and positive business environment in Bahrain and are locating manufacturing and representative offices here. And when they do, American companies bring the world’s highest quality and reliable products and services. Our Free Trade Agreement continues to drive our commercial relationship forward. Exciting things are happening in technology, finance, manufacturing, logistics and education that will strengthen yet further our robust partnership,” he said.

“Independence Day for Americans is a celebration of the moment we as a people began to write our own destiny. Nearly 242 years ago, with a commitment to timeless principles and inherent rights, our nation stepped forward into the world. And ever since that moment, we have looked to those who would share our commitment to peace and prosperity. More than 120 years ago, a group of Americans landed in Bahrain not far from here, and began our remarkable journey together as friends, allies and partners. Let us celebrate that journey together.”

Siberell was formally nominated by President Donald Trump as US Ambassador to Bahrain on July 27. His nomination was confirmed by the Senate on September 28, and he was sworn in on November 3. 

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