*** HM King’s gesture wins hearts of family members | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HM King’s gesture wins hearts of family members

ManamaFamilies of the four men who were convicted in the terrorist case for attempt to assassinate BDF Commander in Chief, Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, yesterday expressed thanks and appreciation to His Majesty the King for reducing the death sentence to life in prison.

The members of the families said HM the King’s gesture reflects his fatherly feelings towards the people of his country and hoped that their children and others involved in acts of terror would learn from these experiences, putting their country first.

The decision is pursuant to Article 41 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain and Article 84 of the Military Judiciary Law issued by Law Decree 34/2002, Chief of Military Judiciary Dr Major-General Yousef Rashid Flaifel said.

The four convicts are Mubarak Adel Mubarak Mohanna, Fadhil Alsayed Abbas Hasan Radhi, Alsayed Alawi Hussain Alawi Hussain, and Mohammed Abdulhassan Ahmed Al Metghawi.

“I thank His Majesty for this unforgettable kindness. I express my gratitude to BDF’s Commander. What happened today is unbelievable,” said Sayed Muneer Alawi, the brother of the convict, Alsayed Alawi Hussain.

“What His Majesty gave us is happiness that cannot be described. To the people of Bahrain, I want to say that we pray to God Almighty that Bahrain gets blessed with what’s the best for its people. I hope our children listen to us so that they always pursue the right path,” said Sayed Muneer.

“My mother will be happy and I hope this happiness will go to each and every house in Bahrain so that they also feel the happiness we felt today. From death to life in prison is a step after which we hope Bahrain will always be blessed with beautiful days to come.
I hope we the people of Bahrain will always live in peace together and there is nothing we can wish for more than this for us and for our beloved country,” he said.

DT News spoke to Abdulhassan Ahmed Al Metghawi, convict Mohammed’s father who said the reduction of the penalty by HM the King is a very happy news for his family. He said HM was highly appreciated for this fatherly gesture that will make many homes and families in Bahrain happy.

“What HM gave us today is not strange when it comes to a wise leader like him and we hope his kindness towards his people will be something they will always be blessed with,” said Al

“I believe HM’s kind gesture will not only make our families happy but also each and every home in Bahrain. We hope our country will be blessed with safety, security and stability under our wise leadership. I want to ask my son to thank God and to learn from this experience and wish the best for his country so that the people live in peace,” he said.

Mubarak Adel Mohanna’s father said HM’s forgiveness is something he would never forget.

“I want to thank God and I want to thank HM the King and the Commander of the BDF and I want to tell my son that I hope this is a lesson for him and other people who choose the wrong paths in life. Bahrain is too precious to us,” he told DT. 

Meanwhile, on February 21, at the High Military Court, two appeals filed by Hussain Mohammed Ahmed Shehab and Mohammed Yussef Marhoon Al Ajmi were accepted. 

The sentence was reduced to five years imprisonment.