*** ----> PM salutes press | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

PM salutes press

Manama : His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa yesterday saluted  the media community, lauding its  role in enlightening the public, enhancing people’s awareness and supporting development efforts.

“It takes a responsible and conscious word to consolidate the pillars of civilization and bolster positive culture”, he said, describing culture and thought as indispensable to shape human beings. 

Conveying his message on the eve of the World Press Freedom Day tomorrow under the theme “‘Keeping Power in Check: Media, Justice and The Rule of Law’, HRH Premier stressed the need for the fourth estate to commit to the code of press ethics and play a crucial role in leading societies and guiding them on the path to build the future, seeking nothing but lofty national interest.  HRH Premier urged the fourth estate to play a more influential role in helping countries succeed in their sustainable development plans and engaging people to serve development.

Saluting the positive role of the press in leading change, imparting hope, spearheading the evolution of many societies and enlightening public opinion, HRH Premier underscored the importance of the press in support national development strategies and highlighting UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

“A developed press is testament to the progress, openness, freedom and plurality of societies”, he said, urging the fourth estate to strive so as it could remain a viable instrument in protecting societies and a bulwark against destructive ideas”, he said. 

HRH the Premier hailed national press strides achieved down the generations, paying tribute to the pioneers who put the fourth estate on the path of excellence, professionalism and credibility. 

He paid homage to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa, hailing royal support which enabled the national press to flourish and evolve on solid basis enshrined in the constitution and the law, thus earning regional and international recognition. 

He reiterated Bahrain’s resolve to continue consolidating laws and legislations for the national press to play its enlightenment role in an environment of freedom and openness. 

He stressed the importance of the World Press Freedom Day – a global occasion to recall the value of the fourth estate in leading nations to achieve development, beyond any incitement on divisions within societies. 

“This global day places greater responsibility on the press to keep its sound professional values and remain a platform to enhance consciousness and contribute positively to nation-building efforts”, he said. 

He seized the occasion to salute the press and media community for their strenuous and dedicated efforts to uphold the values and principles of the noble message of the fourth estate. 

HRH the Premier stressed the crucial role played by journalists and columnists to enlighten society and defend its interests and issues

He commended the role of the Bahrain Journalists Association (BJA), hailing its dedicated efforts to enhance the reality of the press in Bahrain, develop journalists’ competences and hone the skills of budding ones – building on the pioneers’ legacy.

He hailed the Gulf Press Union, underlining its crucial role in developing the fourth estate in the Arabian Gulf to keep abreast of development strides. 

He commended the UNESCO-led efforts to consolidate collective work and build bridges between human cultures and civilizations, wishing the Paris-based institution every success to continue serving humanity. 

Awards ceremony today

The third edition of “Khalifa bin Salman Press Award” ceremony will be held today, under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.

The awards will be presented in four categories - Best Column, Best Investigative Report, Best Press Interview and Best Press Photo.

The award considers works published in Bahraini Arab or English newspapers or magazines during 2017.

The works were examined by a jury comprising high-profile journalists, media persons and academics, noting that winning works are those committed to the principles of accuracy, objectivity, fairness and credibility in expressing their opinions and consolidating Bahrain’s continuous development and civilisational progress.

Editors-in-chief of Saudi newspapers, as well as key Saudi media personalities, will attend the award ceremony.