*** ----> Expats’ role in development commendable: Premier | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Expats’ role in development commendable: Premier

Manama : His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has stressed that expatriates play a commendable role in the development march witnessed by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Bahrain is a country of tolerance and co-existence that respects and appreciates those who live in it and contribute to building it, he said.

“We support all that reinforces Bahrain’s reputation as a country that embraces, enhances its investment competitiveness and contributes to attracting all that it needs for growth and development,” HRH Premier added.

“We do not support any steps that may affect those who contribute to working for Bahrain and its prosperity, or may undermine Bahrain’s reputation and advanced position in labour organisations,” he stressed, praising the contributions of residents and expatriate communities to the Kingdom’s development process.

“We support the consolidation of the values of love and coexistence in our society. They have always been distinctive features of Bahrain, thus their consolidation is a duty, as they are the fence that fortifies our national unity and protects it from any attempts to influence it for the aim of undermining Bahrain’s security thanks to which the country is on the right path of progress and modernisation,” he also said.

HRH the Prime Minister was speaking while receiving state officials, intellectuals, cultural, press and economic personalities and scores of citizens at the Gudaibiya Palace yesterday.

HRH Premier stressed his constant keenness to be close to the citizens.

“We are always keen to be close to our people and to ensure they are close to us. We are happy to meet them and inquire about their conditions. This is a tradition that we inherited from parents and grandparents,” he said, stressing that direct meetings with the citizens pave the way for first-hand knowledge of their needs and requirements, and contribute to building plans and guiding the path of the government projects, especially service ones, for the sake of meeting their needs.

HRH Premier pointed out that the development plans in Bahrain are on the right track, and that the Kingdom’s successes in all fields are the result of the giving and dedication of its citizens, who are have set the best examples of devotion to the nation’s progress and progress.

HRH Prime Minister urged to foster the values of communication in society and to transfer them to the coming generations, noting that communication strengthens the bonds among the members of the society, which leads to enhancing progress and development.