*** ----> Bahrain, Saudi back US decision | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain, Saudi back US decision

Manama : Bahrain and Saudi Arabia said they  supported the decision of US President to withdraw from the nuclear agreement with Iran and to re-impose severe sanctions.  “This decision reflects the commitment of the US to confront Iranian policies and Iran’s continuous attempts to spread terrorism in the region in full violation of international norms and laws,” Bahrain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.  “The agreement was characterized by several shortcomings, most important of which was not addressing Iran’s ballistic missile programme and Iran’s threat to the security and stability of the region through its interference in the internal affairs of other countries as well as its support for militias in these countries.” 


Saudi backs Trump, urges others to follow suit

Bahrain affirms its solidarity with the decision taken by President Trump, noting its support for the efforts of the United States that aim to end terrorism at both at the regional and international levels,” it said.

“Bahrain also calls upon all other signatories to the agreement to consider the security and peace of the region and to take steps similar to those of the United States of America,” it said.

“Bahrain reiterates its support for all efforts aimed at making the Middle East free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, stressing its stance towards all measures taken to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, to combat its funding and support of extremist militias in the region, and to urge Iran to respect its neighbours’ sovereignty and not to interfere in their internal affairs,” It said.

Saudi Arabia, meanwhile,  announced its support for steps announced by US President Donald Trump regarding the withdrawal of Washington from the nuclear accord with Iran and supports the resumption of economic sanctions on Tehran which were suspended under the P5+1 deal.

“Saudi Arabia’s past support for the nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 countries was based on its firm belief in the need to work on everything that would limit the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East and the world,” an official statement read.

“However, [Iran] used it to continue its destabilizing activities in the region, especially through the development of ballistic missiles, and its support for terrorist groups in the region, including Hezbollah and the Houthi militia, which used the capabilities transferred by Iran to target civilians in the Kingdom and Yemen and repeated exposure International shipping lanes, and in flagrant violation of the resolutions of the Security Council,” the statement read.

Saudi Arabia said it reaffirmed its support for and welcomes the strategy previously announced by the US president. 

The kingdom said it hopes that the international community will adopt a firm and united stance toward Iran and its hostile and destabilizing actions against the stability of the region and its support for terrorist groups, especially Hezbollah and Houthi militias.

Trump’s decision means Iran’s government must now decide whether to follow the US and withdraw or try to salvage what’s left of the deal.