*** Ebdaa Bank to link its strategic plan to SDGs | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ebdaa Bank to link its strategic plan to SDGs

Manama : Dr Khalid Al Ghazawi, CEO of Ebdaa Bank-Bahrain has said that the bank is currently reviewing its strategy to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to support society and economy.

Dr Al Ghazawi said that the new strategy is based largely on two axes: AGFUND’s adopted strategy under the guidance and blessing of Prince Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and the national plan to achieve SDGs adopted by the Kingdom of Bahrain.
“Despite the narrow legislative framework through which Ebdaa Bank operates, the bank will seek to develop and adjust its strategy in lending products, loan procedures and policies, customer selection, and marketing campaign through social media to achieve the 17 SDGs 2030 approved by the United Nations and adopted by the Kingdom of Bahrain,” said Dr Al Ghazawi
“Ebdaa Bank plans to achieve a number of SDGs even before this comprehensive review, the bank backs the neediest in Bahrain through providing loans without guarantees and guidance services towards achieving the 17 SDGs. Our commitment to achieve these goals is a voluntary commitment stemming from a high sense of responsibility to be an active part of the national, regional and global efforts,” said Dr Al Ghazawi

He added: “Since the bank’s establishment, it has been providing loans to more than 9000 borrowers and currently serves more than 2300 borrowers, meaning we contribute to the establishment of a large number of micro enterprises in the Kingdom of Bahrain. We are working to achieve development conducive to a comprehensive, environment-friendly economic prosperity, ensuring peace and prosperity, and making science, technology and innovation available to all in order to achieve development with a human dimension.”

Dr Al Ghazawi stressed that achieving the fifth goal of the SDGs aimed at “gender equality” is reflected in the prudent practices of the bank internally through non-discrimination between employees of both sexes in employment, salaries, allowances, and promotions. It is also evident in the non-discrimination among borrowers on the basis of sex, religion, color, or race.
CEO of Ebdaa Bank highlighted the eighth goal “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, stressing the keenness of the bank to provide conducive environment to suit employees competencies and aspiration.

It also contributes in national economy development through granting loans to microenterprises.
Dr Al Ghazawi affirmed his keenness to consult with all civil society actors, the private sector and local authorities in order to ensure the achievement of sustainable development goals as effectively as possible.