*** Bahrain to buy 3200 bomb bodies to arm from US | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain to buy 3200 bomb bodies to arm from US

A sale worth of $45 million is to be made for equipping the kingdom’s fleet of F-16 fighters. The US state department has cleared Bahrain to buy as many as 3,200 bomb bodies. 


The purchase of these munitions is believed to boost up the royal Bahrainiair force’s ability to conduct and sustain air operations with its F-16 combat aircraft. The kingdom will use these munitions to prevent regional threats, strengthen its homeland defence and execute counter-terrorism operations, according to the announcements. The announcement also said that there will be no adverse impact to US readiness or the balance of military balance in the region.


The sale comes after Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Bob Corker, in February, lifted his eightmonth hold on US arms sales to Gulf Cooperation Council member states, which he levied to pressure a resolution in the GCC’s rift with Qatar. Bahrain is to become the first country in the region to operate Lockheed’s F-16 Block 70 aircraft, expected to boost the Falcon’s production line.

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