*** ----> Heartless mother burns her 15-month old daughter's legs and genitals. | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Heartless mother burns her 15-month old daughter's legs and genitals.

In a shocking case, a 26-year-old Arab woman was arrested for burning her 15-month-old daughter’s legs and private parts. The infant, who also suffered a fractured humerus and subdural hematoma (a condition caused by severe head injuries), was admitted to a hospital, according to court details. The incident came to limelight after the woman’s husband alerted the police. The couple also have a seven-yearold boy other than the victim. “My client is the husband of the accused and together they have a seven-year-old boy and a girl aged 15 months,” lawyer Khalifa Al Shajra told court, representing the man. “The man had previously filed a case against his wife after she broke the infant’s hand. Later, the case was withdrawn following an intervention by family members.”   Upon being interrogated then, the woman had said that the infant broke her hand after falling down.   “On the day of second incident, the husband after returning from work saw the infant lying on the bed fully covered in a blanket. When asked, the accused said she was suffering from fever. Finding it hard to believe, he removed the blanket and saw that their daughter suffered burn injuries.” According to the man, his infant already suffers from 10 per cent disabilities because of the torture meted at the hands of her mother. Meanwhile, the accused told Prosecutors that she was giving her baby a shower and out of mistake turned on the hot water tap. Her statement was, however, dismissed as she was referred for trial for torturing and causing injuries to the infant.

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