*** Shura Council rejects the new fine plan for speeding drivers | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Shura Council rejects the new fine plan for speeding drivers

A legislation instructing to amend the traffic law so that only drivers whose speed excess the permitted limits by 20 per cent are fined, was rejected by Shura Council. The amendment was submitted by five council members to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee in the council in mid-2017. 
Ordering the amendment of some of the provisions of Traffic Law 23 of 2014, the bill is said to reduce traffic violations rates in the Kingdom. The committee reviewed the bill with representatives of the General Directorate of Traffic in Interior Ministry and decided to reject it. Council members’ opinions varied while discussing the bill in yesterday’s weekly session of the council. Some members supported it saying it would reduce the financial burdens borne by citizens, while others feared that it may encourage over-speeding among drivers. Some of the members shared their opposing views to the amendment and underlined that accident rates have noticeably dropped since the implantation of the traffic law in 2014. 
They also stressed on “showing no leniency towards reckless driving”.   The majority of the members supported the committee’s view, stating that the existing law, which instructs to fine drivers who cross the speed limit of the road by 10 per cent, is “suitable and may not be changed”. The proposed amendment was submitted by council members Khamis Al Rumaihi, Jameela Salman, Khalid Al Maskati, Ahmed Bahzad and Hala Ramzi.