*** ----> Teenagers in Bahrain addicted to Fortnite | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Teenagers in Bahrain addicted to Fortnite

It had now been two weeks since Hamad had his breakfast. Not because he has an eating disorder, but he is totally absorbed in winning another battle without even getting up to have a glass of water.

You heard it right! The 14-year-old Bahraini boy is commanding a warfare in the cyber world where enemies are engaged in the inevitable carnage.

Called the ‘Fortnite’, the game continues its massacre to the last man - the winner.

Experts say there are striking similarities between addictions to drugs and food and to activities like gambling, shopping and computer games.

According to Social Supervisor in School Rqaya Primary Girls Basma Awad such games breed the seeds of violence in adolescents. “Teenagers through those games become indifferent and in some cases, violence is a norm for them.”

“Violence games, such as Fortnite, causes tension and addiction. You find them fully integrated into the game and screams madly, which continues for hours creating psychological problems that finally affect their education.”

Parents, according to him, should ensure greater care. “Parents should allow such games only at an appropriate age and for a controlled amount of time.

Removing the game will create resentment and should be made through a strong relationship with the youngster.” He added:“Talk to your kid, Get involved, Set rules, Be a role model, Monitor your kid”