*** ----> Indian expat stabbed to death yesterday | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Indian expat stabbed to death yesterday

An Indian expatriate was stabbed to death yesterday in Salmabad. The deceased was identified as Chinthu Das, aged 30, who hails from the Indian state of Kerala.  The Interior Ministry confirmed the incident on its Twitter handle stating that an Asian was arrested in connection with the murder. “An Asian, 38, was arrested for killing another, 30, with a sharp object in their residence in Salmabad,” Northern Police said in their message. The police further stated that relevant procedures were being taken. Chinthu Das is survived by his wife Vijayalakshmi and two children who are in his hometown in the Kollam district of Kerala.  
The details of the incident are yet to emerge. Sajan, one of his relatives in Kuwait, told Tribune that Chinthu Das was online until 11pm on Thursday.  “I have been trying to contact his roommates but in vain as their phones were switched off after the incident. 
Chinthu came to the Kingdom on ‘free visa’ and was staying with some friends.” A few hours before his death he had contacted his family in India.The body is kept at the Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) morgue. 

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