*** ----> Bahraini man on killing spree! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini man on killing spree!

A 25-year-old Bahraini man admitted before the judges yesterday that he killed two Asians during the attempted robbery. 

“Yes, I killed them,” he told judges. Sources said the man did not show any signs of regret when he admitted to committing the crime.
 The accused was arrested after the police launched a manhunt following the deaths of two Asians.
 According to court details, the Bahraini man killed both by hitting them in the head using a hammer.
 He told the judges that after committing the crime he thought police wouldn’t reach him.
 “I live in a house in Jabalat Habshi with my mother and siblings. Since my father’s death in 2000, I was doing many jobs but couldn’t stick to any of them. I then decided to rob and murder Asian men, for I thought no-one would be able to identify me.”
 The accused first committed the crime in February. “I stole a wallet from an Asian cleaner but did not attack him. That was no great deal as I got only BD16.” 
After the first crime, the accused said he decided to take things to the next level. “I hit an Asian man with my car. As he lay on the road, I went to him and asked for his wallet. May be out of severe pain, he could not speak a word. He pointed towards an apartment in the vicinity. I went inside that apartment and there was a wallet but it was empty.”
 The accused allegedly committed his first murder on March 28. “I went to Gufool as a lot of Asians live there. I saw a labourer collecting cartons on the roadside. I took out the hammer, approached him from the rear side and hit him in the head with my hammer several times. 
“His skull got broken and it started bleeding profusely. After realising he was dead, I took BD25 from his wallet and left the place.” 
The accused said that he received several calls from Naim Police Station the next day but did not attend to them. “The calls continued until April 9, but I did not bother.” 
The Bahraini man could not wait long until he commit the next crime. On April 13, he saw an Asian riding a bicycle and instantly decided to murder him. 
The place where the crime took place was not mentioned during the hearing. “I drove my car, cut him from the left and blocked him. Then I got out of my car and hit him in the head using my hammer. As he was dying, I took wallet from his pocket which had nothing in it. I left the place immediately,” he told the prosecutors.
 The accused now faces murder and robbery charges. Court documents show that he killed all his victims at night.
 The High Criminal Court has adjourned the hearing in the case until September 25.