*** ----> Councillors’ monthly salaries may rise from BD1,500 to BD2,730 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Councillors’ monthly salaries may rise from BD1,500 to BD2,730

The House of Representatives have referred an amendment seeking to hike the salaries of members of municipal councils including the Capital Municipal Council, to the Shura Council for approval. 
If approved a municipal councillor’s salary will equal that of the Assistant Undersecretary in various ministries, while the salaries of council heads will be the same as that of the Undersecretary. 
As of now, a municipal councillor’s salary is BD1,500 and if the amendment is approved it may rise to something between BD1,830 and BD2,730 in addition to a living allowance of BD50 and social allowance ranging between BD70 and BD150. The heads of the municipal councils will see their salaries rise from the current BD2,000 to something between BD2,139 and BD3,204 apart from other allowances.