*** ----> Drug seller given lighter sentence for helping police | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Drug seller given lighter sentence for helping police

The High Criminal Court has rewarded an Asian defendant for helping police officers capture drug lords, with a lighter jail sentence after removing the drug peddling charge against him. The Asian man was caught selling marijuana, a crime for which jail sentences vary between 10 and 15 years. However, he offered to help police officers to catch the people who were selling drugs to him.  As a result of this, the High Criminal Court sentenced him to one year in prison on grounds of consuming the drugs. 

The Asian man told judges at the High Criminal Court earlier that he was buying drugs for consumption only. Despite this, his drug blood test came negative, and lawyer Sabt tried to highlight this point. “My client’s tests showed he wasn’t consuming drugs, therefore the consumption charge should be dropped from the list of accusations against him. Therefore, he should be deemed innocent,” she stressed. 

The drug dealers received sentences between one year and 10 years in prison. One of them was slapped with BD10,000 fine.  The four men involved in this case will be deported from Bahrain after they complete their jail terms.