*** ----> Men pose as cops in robbery attempt, get five years jail | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Men pose as cops in robbery attempt, get five years jail

Two men posed as police officers to rob a Turkish man who was using a rental car, the High Criminal Court heard. The duo, aged 30 and 22, is said to have stolen BD40 and a mobile phone from the victim. “I was sitting in my rental car at one of the Manama car parks at dawn. Suddenly, two men approached me and they introduced themselves as police officers. They asked me to leave the car and present my ID,” the Turkish man told police officers.

“I got out of the car and locked it. They said that they would take me to the police station and began attacking me,” he added.  According to police documents, the duo punched their victim in his face several times before he passed out. “One of them took the key from my pocket and they unlocked the car. They stole BD40 and my mobile phone before fleeing the scene,” he revealed.  Police officers presented photos of potential suspects, from whom the robbers were identified by the victim. They were arrested and tried before the High Criminal Court which sentenced them to five years in jail each.