*** ----> Sailors in Bahrain are demanding the authorities to establish seaside petrol pumps at fishing ports | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Sailors in Bahrain are demanding the authorities to establish seaside petrol pumps at fishing ports

Sailors in Bahrain are demanding the authorities to establish seaside petrol pumps to fill their boats and avoid the dangers that accompany the transportation of petrol gallons using their private cars from fuel stations to seaports. This comes as a group of Bahraini fishermen raised the matter and warned of the hazards of improperly transporting fuel in such hot weather conditions. Redha Farhan, a Bahraini amateur fishermen who runs an Instagram page concerned with fishing in Bahrain and is followed by around 100, 000 users, spoke to Tribune yesterday on the fishermen’s plea.

Mr Farhan explained that the complaints were mostly received by fishermen from the northeastern coasts of the island, including Busaiteen, Samaheej, Al Dair, Hidd and Galali. “Fishermen from these areas have to drive to fuel stations, fill huge containers of petrol and transport them in their private vehicles back to the ports, so they can fill the tanks of their boats. This is an extremely dangerous process. Anything could happen while they’re moving the petrol. Summer season is the biggest threat, as the petrol containers may explode due to the heat and pressure,” Mr Farhan said. Conveying the fishermen’s requests, Mr Farhan called for establishing fuel pumps to serve the fishermen in these areas, adding that “it’s safer, better and more convenient”.