*** ----> Qatar creates half a million fake accounts to target Bahrain, Doha agents posting 10 pictures online in every five minutes to defame Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Qatar creates half a million fake accounts to target Bahrain, Doha agents posting 10 pictures online in every five minutes to defame Bahrain

A Qatari propaganda group which handles over half a million fake social media accounts posts 10 pictures online every 5 minutes in efforts to defame Bahrain, it was learnt.

Thousands of fake social media accounts are being used by the Qatari regime every day to defame Bahrain, this includes half a million Facebook accounts, 31,000 Twitter accounts, and 36,000 Instagram accounts.

This was revealed by the think tank ‘The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies’, which studies Middle East affairs.

The organisation stated that after a comprehensive study, the accounts were confirmed to be fake created by Qatar. A group of specialists were recruited by the Doha regime to carry out tasks, Tribune has learnt.

According to the research, a systematic defamation campaign is being carried out with Bahrain being the prime target.

The accounts posts fake news on a regular basis to hurt Bahrain’s social unity as well as to harm the Kingdom’s relations with Saudi Arabia, the research revealed.

The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies regional director Amjad Taha said that in response to the boycott decision taken by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE and Egypt, Qatar launched 23,000 new fake accounts on Twitter.