*** Mosque to be built in Bangladesh in memory of car accident victim | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Mosque to be built in Bangladesh in memory of car accident victim

A group of Bahraini friends have launched a campaign to establish a BD6,500 charity project in Bangladesh in the name of their late friend, who died in a horrific car accident earlier this month.

Mohammed Showaiter was killed on the spot after he lost control of his vehicle while driving back from work on Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman Highway on the dawn of July 18.

The Customs Officer at King Fahad Causeway was reportedly returning home after finishing a late night shift when the mishap took place. The accident didn’t involve any other vehicles as he hit the fence near the entrance to Buri village from the highway. According to friends, the deceased was apparently tired and fell asleep while driving back to his residence in Hamad Town. He was survived by his wife and two-year-old daughter.