*** Rioters’ appeal to replace jail term with social service rejected | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Rioters’ appeal to replace jail term with social service rejected

The High Appeals Court has rejected the appeals filed by three men convicted of planting a fake bomb and burning tyres in Hamad Town in 2015.

The trio requested in their appeals to have their three years in prison sentences each to be replaced by social service, but the High Appeals Court rejected it. It stated that the defendants didn’t meet the conditions to have their jail terms substituted. The convicted men were earlier sentenced to five years in jail each, but their punishment was revised to three years behind bars each on appeal.

The trio were found guilty of burning tyres in Hamad Town after they poured petrol on them before planting a fake bomb nearby.

According to court files, the mock device was made using a fire extinguisher, which included electrical wires.

They landed in prison after police investigations established their links to the incident. One of the defendants guided police officers to a place, where the accused had stored explosive material.