*** ----> Only 2pc of Bahrainis live below poverty line | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Only 2pc of Bahrainis live below poverty line

Two per cent of Bahrainis earn less than BD200 a month while 29pc earn less than BD399, according to a study conducted by the Social Insurance Organisation. Experts say the definition of poverty by the Ministry of Social Development in the Kingdom remains obsolete.

They point out that the 29pc category is on the edge and anytime can fall below poverty line considering the present economic conditions. The monthly income to define the poverty line was fixed in the year 2011 in cooperation with the UNDP and World Bank.

According to the ministry, a Bahraini who earns less than BD70 a month and a Bahraini family of five earning less than BD337 a month falls under poverty.

Speaking to Tribune, MP Ali Bu Farsan said the ground reality is far from numbers and more Bahrainis live under the poverty line. He also highlighted the case of retirees who earn less than BD399 in pensions and have large families to take care of.