*** ----> Sporting activities best vehicle for promoting tourism sector | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Sporting activities best vehicle for promoting tourism sector

Sporting activities are increasingly becoming a prominent tool in promoting the Kingdom’s tourism sector, according to a senior tourism official.

International sports competitions and teams from Bahrain have contributed greatly in increasing tourism to Bahrain in recent years, said Director of Tourism Marketing and Promotions at the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority, Yousif Mohamed Al Khan.

He said that sporting competitions such as Formulae 1, Ironman and Brave Combat Week and Bahrain based teams such as MMA teams and the Bahrain– Merida Pro Cycling Team have contributed greatly in recent years in promoting tourism.

He pointed out that sports tourism improves tourism in two ways, firstly by attracting visitors for events held in Bahrain, secondly thanks to the success of Bahraini sports teams and organizations on an international level, which improves the awareness about Bahrain.

Speaking to Tribune, he explained how sports have contributed to improving tourism in the country.

“Sports is one of the best vehicles to promote any product, service, and destination and so on. We always look forward to Formulae one, Iron man, Brave and these atypes of events. They are important for us to promote the destination.”