*** Global report praises Bahrain for social, economic factors | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Global report praises Bahrain for social, economic factors

Kingdom outperforms other countries in the region in many aspects including education and employment


A global study about income and infrastructure revealed that Bahrain outperforms many regional countries in several aspects. The study ‘Striking a Balance Between Well-Being and Growth: The 2018 Sustainable Economic Development Assessment’ conducted by

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) showed that Bahrain did well in many aspects notably education and employment. However, when it comes to converting wealth into well-being the country is not up to mark, falling below global average, according to the findings.

“The report found that wealthier countries show higher well-being levels; overall, Bahrain’s well-being performance is good and improving. However, the country is below global average when it comes to converting wealth into well-being, and of countries with a similar starting level of well-being, Bahrain is in the 2nd quartile of change,” researchers of the report stated.

The report placed Bahrain on the second quartile globally for well being. According to the report Bahrain is “good and improving in the dimension of employment and economic stability”, and steadily improving in education, equality, and to some degree health and infrastructure.

Overall Bahrain was ranked 43rd among all the countries assessed. Some of the countries in the region received higher overall rankings; Qatar was Ranked 26th, UAE 28th, Kuwait 39th, Saudi Arabia 44th and Oman 46th