*** ‘Plasticising’ of Heya Beya | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Plasticising’ of Heya Beya

Environmentalists and prominent activists have raised alarm bells over the use of plastic pots as part of Heya Beya celebrations, which they say are harmful to the environment.

Despite the official instruction from authorities to use the traditional palm frond baskets for Heya Beya, many people instead have been opting plastic pots.

Environmentalists say that parents should have been careful in not purchasing the plastic pots for the children to use for the celebration. The use of plastic Heya Beya pots is hazardous to the environment, according to environmentalists.

The pots contribute to plastic pollution in the sea, which is one of the biggest environmental concerns of the century. The plastic, because of not being biodegradable, have negative repercussions on sea life.

According to environmentalists, the plastic jeopardizes the natural ambience of the marine life and may also wash up back in the beaches contributing to pollution at the beaches.

Supreme Council for Environment urged people to opt for the traditional baskets stating, “Be kind to nature by choosing the traditional Heya Beya instead of the plastic one”.