*** A day full of fervour, hues | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A day full of fervour, hues

The Day of Arafah was celebrated in great zeal across the Kingdom yesterday.

 Many children yesterday celebrated Heya Beya in great fervour. Heya Beya is a unique Bahraini tradition in which children plant wheat and barley grains in baskets made of palm fronds. They hang these baskets in the porticos of their houses before throwing in sea on the Day of Arafah.

Children wear traditional Bukhnug costumes during the occasion adorned with gold thread while the boys wear the traditional dress with a waistcoat as well as a skull cap. They sing folk songs with passion and pleasure while throwing ‘Heya Beyas’ into sea.

The tradition is also observed in other countries of the region including Kuwait and the UAE. The Muharraq Governorate held ‘Heya Beya’ celebrations on the shores of Busaiteen, opposite to the traditional island of Sayya.

 Hundreds of children from various part of the Kingdom attended the celebrations.