*** ----> Three Bahrainis accused of attempting to burn cops alive | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Three Bahrainis accused of attempting to burn cops alive

Three Bahrainis attempted to burn police officers alive in Diraz, the High Criminal Court heard.

The trio, with other unknown terrorists, is said to have attacked a parked police patrol vehicle with cops inside it using firebombs in a bid to set it alight.

According to court files, their assault was part of a plot to murder police officers by setting their vehicle alight.

They allegedly prepared stones and firebombs to carry out the attack. Police officers managed to escape the attack, although one of them got injured. 

“Suddenly masked men attacked us and surrounded the vehicle, pelting it with firebombs. We directly left the car,” one of the officers who were inside the car told prosecutors. The second defendant admitted to taking part in the assault, stating that they planned for it.

He revealed to prosecutors that he had fled from the scene when he saw the vehicle burning. “I was arrested a few days after the incident,” he added.

The defendants have been charged with setting a police car on fire and attempting to murder police officers as well as possessing firebombs.