*** ----> Journos in ‘fake degree trap’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Journos in ‘fake degree trap’

A case of robbery in which we were tricked into paying money for fake degrees, allege victims


Thirty-five Bahraini journalists have been scammed into paying for a diploma programme in media from a university that has now been labelled as fake. Tribune spoke to some of the journalists who fell into the trap, which they now describe as nothing short of robbery, demanding an investigation.

Social media was rife with accusations yesterday against Lahaye Global University, which allegedly tricked them into paying amounts ranging between BD400 and BD500 to obtain a diploma programme allegedly in association with the Bahrain Journalists Association (BJA) in the year 2012. “Now the money has been spent and we have fake degrees with us. The bigger question is that who is going to compensate us?” they asked.

On the flip side, the BJA denied that 35 participants paid any fees while claiming the programme was offered for free. The BJA had previously signed a memorandum of understanding with the institute following which it organised the diploma programme, it was learnt. Meanwhile, one of the journalists who completed the programme told Tribune that the MoU was signed with a Gulf-based Academy for Management and Real Estate in 2012.

“The MoU states that the academy can organise a comprehensive media diploma programme in Bahrain in co-operation with Lahaye Global University for journalists who do not have an academic degree in journalism. “The agreement was signed by BJA President, Gulf-based academy director Syrian national Bader Saeed and academy adviser Monther Al Hamawi, also a Syrian national.

“The society through its social media accounts started promoting this diploma programme to offer this degree to all those who work in the field of journalism but do not hold academic degrees and we all obviously didn’t question the credibility since the diploma programme was organised by the BJA and hosted by the Bahrain Institute for Political Development, both credible entities. “When I contacted the BJA I was told that the diploma is a one month programme and the accreditation will take place in Bahrain.