*** ----> One year jail for drug addict | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

One year jail for drug addict

A Bahraini mother reported her drug-addict son to police, according to sources. The mother alerted the police after her son began creating troubles at home.

Upon arrest, he was tested positive for heroin and other drugs. “Suddenly, a woman came to the police station on Exhibition Road and informed about a drug addict who turned out to be her son. “She told us that he was troubling the family and was uncontrollable. She told us that he was consuming some pills,” the police officer who received the complaint from the woman told prosecutors. It’s said that police officers found burnt spoons in his room. 

The Bahraini man was charged with drug consumption and put on trial before the High Criminal Court. He was sentenced to one year behind bars along with BD500 fine.