*** ----> Poisoned water: Firm ordered to pay BD80,000 to parents of dead children | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Poisoned water: Firm ordered to pay BD80,000 to parents of dead children

The High Criminal Court has ordered a water company to pay BD80,000 in compensation to parents, whose children died after drinking poisoned water.

The children, aged 5 and 11 years, died because of drinking water which carried a deadly germ, named Chromobacter Violaceum.

The parents of the children blamed the company as well as the Ministry of Health for failing to inspect the tanks of the former to ensure they are clean.

Therefore, they filed a case against both parties, demanding BD100,000 in compensation for the death of the children. The parents’ lawyer Rabab Al Orayidh said that the germ caused cardiac arrest to the children after three weeks of drinking the water