*** ----> ‘Common goals bind Bahrain, Egypt together’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Common goals bind Bahrain, Egypt together’

I nformation Affairs Minister and Head of the Bahrain Institute of Political Development (BIPD), Ali Al Romaihi hailed deep-rooted historic relations binding Bahrain and Egypt, lauding steadily-growing ties which are based on mutual respect between the two brotherly leaderships and peoples.

“Bahraini-Egyptian bilateral relations achieved landmark strides under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and President Abdul Fattah El Sisi,” he said.

In a statement to Middle East News Agency (MENA), he described outstanding and strategic relations binding Bahrain and Egypt as a model to emulate for fraternity, political, economic, security and media partnership.