MP lashes out at Iranian army chief
Coming down heavily on the statement of the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Vice Chairman Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Jamal Buhassan retorted that it was not the job of an Iranian military man to give advice.
“Who has given the right to the Iranian general to issue warnings to Bahrain?” he queried while speaking to DT News yesterday.The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firuzabadi had remarked: “It is the last chance for Bahrain to settle all the issues with the Bahraini opposition.”
Responding to his provoking statement, Buhassan said, “Stop talking like this. You should better look into your own problems and do something in giving the Iranian citizens their basic rights.”
“We are well aware of our issues and we know how to tackle them,” he commented.Buhassan said that Iran was not moving in the right direction after the nuclear deal with six world powers, including the US and the UK. “If not stopped, Iran can ignite the flames of Third World War,” he opined.
In his view, the nuclear deal is good for the international politics, but not for the Gulf region. He said that Iran did not honour its agreements, so it could not be trusted at all.He added that Iran was becoming stronger after the nuclear deal and its strength needed to be checked by all means.
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