*** ----> Drugs case accused woman blames hubby for addiction | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Drugs case accused woman blames hubby for addiction

A young Bahraini woman uncovered to judges at the High Criminal Court that her husband had been encouraging her to consume heroin, eventually making her a drug addict.

The 26-year-old woman was arrested with her husband while they were searching for drugs under parked cars in Manama. Their capture came after police officers received a tip-off about a drugs racket promoting the sale of heroin in Manama by placing stocks under cars and inside trash boxes.

The pair were reportedly in an abnormal condition when they landed in police net. “He picked up a cigarette box from the ground, and then they tried to get rid of it when they saw us approaching them,” a police officer who was among the patrol which busted the pair told prosecutors. “He told us that the woman who was with him was his wife,” he added.