*** ----> Faith in horror movies restored once again! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Faith in horror movies restored once again!

Going into the premiere with my husband, I was skeptical whether this much-awaited movie that we had been looking forward to watching since the time it was announced would live up to its predecessors from the Conjuring universe, mainly Conjuring 1. As soon as we walked into the house-full theatre hall abuzz with anticipation, we settled down with a plate full of nachos, a tub of popcorn and three large soft drinks all set to dive into the world of unholy 1952 Romanian nun monastery.

Right off the bat, we were thrown into a horrific but not gory scene of a nun’s suicide because of THE NUN which, as usual, was filled with masterful background score synonymous with the Conjuring brand which induced a sense of foreboding in our minds and hearts.

From there what started was a ride full of well-placed jump scares, holy nuns vs unholy ones, demonic possessions, bloody nightmares, visions that scare the daylights out of you and of course dreadful scenes with the eery presence of the nun playing peek-a-boo with our hearts leading one to chant all the holy texts learned during one's childhood!

The Nun is a movie which needs to be watched and experienced and not read about, to avoid spoilage of a masterful horror experience. Albeit, it couldn’t surpass Conjuring 1 when it comes to a tight storyline, amazing plot twists and the ensemble cast, yet, it manages to leave behind a sense of fear of the dark, of your worst nightmares, coming to life in the middle of the night and horrific nightmares which haunt you for days to come that are the direct end result of a horror movie well made.

With a crisp ending which takes you back to conjuring 1, The Nun completes the circle. Moral of my story – go grab your closest friends and/or family and head over to your nearest theatres to enjoy this 1 hour 36 minutes of pure unadulterated screams, palpitation, lot of arm/ hand squeezing that leads to loss of blood supply and nightmares and scares that will follow you for at least a night if not days!


Rating : 3.5/5