*** ----> Bahraini man on trial for kissing female colleagues | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini man on trial for kissing female colleagues

The High Criminal Court will hear today the case of a Bahraini man who is accused of molesting female colleagues at his office. The defendant is accused of harassing two women during their first 30 days of joining the company.

The first woman reported to police officers that the defendant shocked her by kissing at their office after he summoned her to do some tasks. “I got the job in the company through a friend. And after one month of starting my work, he called me to his cabin to complete some tasks on the computer. He locked the door and kissed me,” the first victim said.

“After a few hours, he called me to apologize. However, he flirted with me and I disconnected the line and never answered his phone calls,” she added. Meanwhile, her co-victim reported a similar incident. “After 10 days of beginning my work, I was in his office to discuss which companies I can contact. After the meeting, he shook my hand and he tried to molest me.

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