*** ----> Witnesses set to testify in money laundering case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Witnesses set to testify in money laundering case

Prosecution witnesses will give evidence on October 7, 2018, in the trial of three men accused of raising funds from the Kingdom and transferring them to a Tanzania-based Islamic institution.

The defendants are said to have raised BD33,041, which they transferred to Tanzania through a local exchange company.

Among the trio was a man based in Iran, who allegedly headed the organisation, while the other two were collecting the money in Bahrain. Prosecutors said that the money was sent in several installments, which triggered suspicions.

Moreover, the Bahrain-based defendants allegedly lied about the source of the money when they transferred it outside the Kingdom.

“The money was used to build mosques and drilling wells to extract water as well as support orphans,” the second defendant claimed during questioning.