*** ----> Kingdom’s energy sector ‘key target’ of Iran hackers | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Kingdom’s energy sector ‘key target’ of Iran hackers

Bahrain’s energy sector is one of the key targets set by Iranian hackers who have launched their latest cyber-attacks as American sanctions against Iran takes effect. Iranian hackers have launched an international cyber-attack targeting the energy sectors of Bahrain, its neighboring countries and America, it is learned.

The cyber-attacks are said to be in response to decision to place sanctions on Iran this November. US President Donald Trump’s move to withdraw from the nuclear deal and re-impose sanctions is seen as a huge blow to Iran. According to sources, an Iranian government allied group of hackers are behind the attacks.

They say phishing emails impersonating an oil and gas company is being sent to its targets as part of its attacks. Phishing emails are fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information such as personal information. The attack also involves a malware that previously had damaged tens of thousands of terminals in Saudi Arabia.

The US-based cyber security firm FireEye recognized the hacks and identified the perpetrators as APT33 hacker group. Speaking to Tribune, Alister Shepherd, Middle East and Africa director for Mandiant at FireEye, said: “In July we observed a significant increase in activity from this Iran affiliated APT group.

The APT33 operation primarily focused on the energy sector, which has been affected by recent sanctions that were placed on Iran. “The motivation behind the operation is uncertain, but it’s possible that the attackers were using spear phishing to facilitate the theft of intellectual property or to subsequently cause disruption in retaliation to the sanctions. It’s imperative for companies to ensure they are capable of quickly detecting and responding to these intrusion attempts.”

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