Couple sentenced for consuming drugs
A couple will spend next one year behind bars after being convicted of consuming drugs by the High Criminal Court.
During the trial, the wife had told court that it was her husband who encouraged her to consume drugs. The 26-year-old woman was arrested with her husband while they were searching for drugs under parked cars in Manama.
Their arrest came after police officers received a tip-off about a drug ring promoting heroin use in Manama and they were selling drugs by keeping their packets under cars and waste containers in Manama.
The pair were allegedly in an abnormal condition when they landed in police net. “He picked up a cigarette box from the ground, and then tried to throw it away upon seeing us,” a police officer who was among the patrol told prosecutors.
“He told us that the woman who was him was his wife,” he added. The woman revealed to judges during the trial that it was her husband who pushed her into consuming drugs.
“My husband would tell me that the substance he was consuming would help me relax. He was getting drugs from a Pakistani man and we were transferring money to his account,” the woman said in the court.
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