*** ----> Parents to be fined if kid skips school | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Parents to be fined if kid skips school

Parents will now have to pay heavy fines if their children fail to attend classes regularly, it is learnt.

The Ministry of Education has issued a latest decree, according to which the parent will be fined BD100 if the student consistently fails to attend classes over a period of 10 days.

“It is the duty of the parents to ensure that their kids are attending classes on a regular basis,” the ministry said while issuing the decree. The move follows many students flouting minimum attendance norms to be maintained at classes in the absence of strict regulations.

“The parents of students not maintaining the mandatory minimum attendance during an academic session will be fined BD100. The parents will also have to explain the reason behind the leaves to the ministry. The move intends at discouraging students from taking unnecessary leaves,” the ministry said in its statement.

Speaking to Tribune, Anand Nair, Vice-Principal of Indian School Bahrain said the school authorities are in the process of implementing the directive as all schools in the Kingdom are bound to follow it.

Molly Mammen , Asian School Bahrain Principal said most schools in the Kingdom strictly demand a minimum of 75 per cent attendance from the part of students for being allowed to sit for examinations.

“Many students have a tendency to bunk classes on Saturdays. Definitely, it’s a welcome move from the part of ministry to ensure that all students are regularly attending their classes.”

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