*** ----> Sitra bombing suspects arrested | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Sitra bombing suspects arrested


 Five people suspected of orchestrating a deadly bomb attack in Sitra have been arrested, confirmed Interior Ministry yesterday.

Two policemen were killed and six others were wounded in the bomb blast occurred on July 28.

Besides the arrest, two other suspects and three individuals, who received financing and training from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah’s branch in Iraq, have been also identified.

 Bahrain’s Chief of Police, Major-General Tariq Al Hasan said: “Investigations have showed the arrested people’s connections to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, as well as Hezbollah. They have been linked to a number of terrorist incidents in Bahrain over recent years.”

 Mohammed Ebrahim Mulla Radhi Al Tooq, 24, who is said to have planted and detonated the explosive device in Sitra on July 28, is known to have spent time in Iran following his role in a deadly terrorist attack in 2013, which killed a policeman. Al Tooq is also accused of receiving training at a camp operated by Hezbollah.

  “Forensic tests of the Sitra bombsite indicate that high-grade explosives (C4) were used. This is similar to the substance seized during a foiled attempt by Iranian handlers to smuggle explosives into Bahrain on July 15, and similar to the substance found at a warehouse in the Dar Kulaib village on June 6. This is yet another disturbing incident in which Iranian actions are attempting to undermine security and stability within Bahrain,” Al Hasan explained.

 This is also the first time that the Ministry of Interior has confirmed that other attempted attacks by Iranian-backed terrorists have been foiled by Bahraini authorities, including an attempted bombing.

 The Ministry reiterated that the protection of citizens’ safety was its top priority and security agencies were leaving no stone unturned to counter any terrorist threats.

 “Statements provided by those arrested have already led to the discovery of various bombs and bomb making materials, including a ready-to-use bomb containing C4, remote controls, firearms, and other bomb making materials,” Al Hasan added.

 The Chief of Police informed that investigations into the Sitra blast were still going on to identify other perpetrators involved in the incident.