*** ----> Imam murder suspect to undergo mental health test | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Imam murder suspect to undergo mental health test

The High Criminal Court yesterday accepted the request made by the defense lawyer to subject the suspect to mental health tests in imam murder trial, Tribune learned.

The 35-year-old Bangladeshi defendant earlier admitted to murdering his victim before the High Criminal Court. According to court details, the suspect killed imam Abduljaleel Hmood by hitting him in the head with an iron rod. “He then cut the body into pieces along with the co-defendant before dumping it in plastic bags near the scrapyard in Askar.”

The co-defendant has pleaded not guilty in the case. Sources say the suspect, a muezzin at the mosque in Muharraq, where the imam was working, was trading in free visas and the imam had warned him against engaging in the illegal act. 

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