*** 3pc of Bahrainis suffer from visual disabilities | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

3pc of Bahrainis suffer from visual disabilities

Close to three per cent of Bahrainis suffer from visual disabilities, an international report showed. According to the latest report by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), the percentage of visual disability in Bahrain is 2.7 per cent.

Ophthalmic and Lasik Consultant at King Abdulla Bin Abdulaziz Medical City’s University Medical Centre Dr Nada Al Yousif said the causes of visual impairment in the Kingdom include cataract, glaucoma, corneal diseases and retinopathy. She advised parents to examine their children’s eyes beginning age five to detect and correct any symptoms of visual impairment and to avoid eye laziness that cannot be cured later.

However, Dr Al Yousif said the percentage of visual disability in Bahrain is lower than neighbouring countries, where it could reach up to 3.17pc.