*** Bahrain may be exempted from US import tariffs on aluminium | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain may be exempted from US import tariffs on aluminium

High-level discussions will continue to take place to explore the possibility for Bahrain to receive an exemption on the US import tariffs on steel and aluminium, it is learnt.

Discussions are ongoing about Bahrain’s prospect of securing an exemption for the steel and aluminum tariffs that were imposed by the US government on the majority of countries.

Tariffs were set at 25 per cent and 10pc for steel and aluminium respectively. Responding to a question from Tribune, John J Sullivan US Deputy Secretary of State said that the discussions would continue.

He said that during his meetings with business leaders and government officials here, the subject of tariff exemption was discussed widely. “We have had discussions about the steel and aluminium tariffs that were imposed. I understand its impact on the aluminum industry here in Bahrain,” he told Tribune.

“There are processes for countries to seek exemptions and we’ve discussed that both in the past and will do so going forward with Bahrain.”

Explaining the purpose behind the tariffs he explained, “The problem that the tariffs are ultimately seeking to solve is a problem of overproduction, principally in China, specifically with steel and aluminum.