*** Volunteers comb beach for litter | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Volunteers comb beach for litter

The CleanUp Bahrain team yesterday kicked off ‘Think Pink Beach CleanUp’ in support of Think Pink Bahrain’s month of October awareness event for breast cancer.

More than 80 volunteers including citizens and expatriates took part in the initiative. Speaking to Tribune, Ali Alqaseer, Co-founder of CleanUp Bahrain, said “The designated beach was Jid-Alhajj, where volunteers joined from all parts of Bahrain, local and international, of all ages, genders, races, united for one purpose and one goal.

“The goal was to take care of our mother, which is our planet – the mother earth.” “The participants managed to remove 620kg of waste - 460kg general waste and 160kg plastic waste. The participants have followed the instructions well as separation; segregation of the waste is a key element of all beach cleanups.”