*** ----> Woman gets one-year sentence for molesting expat laundryman | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woman gets one-year sentence for molesting expat laundryman

An Arab woman convicted of molesting and attempting to rob a laundry worker was sentenced to one year in jail. The convict will be deported once she completes the jail term. According to prosecutors, it was for the first time in the legal history of the Kingdom that a ‘woman molesting man’ case was charged.

The woman, a mother of seven children, barged into the laundry shop and molested the laundry worker, say court details. Revealing the incident, the victim had told prosecutors, “The woman was wearing a niqab (veil) when she entered the shop. She asked me for water and then requested me the way to toilet. I told her that the shop did not have a toilet facility.

“Suddenly, she came close and pressed my body against her. And soon she grabbed my private parts.” The Arab woman reached her hand into the pocket of the victim’s trousers in a bid to snitch his wallet, prosecutors said. “I tried to resist her, but she would rob eight dinars from my pocket. She was a big woman and I failed to stop her,” the victim said.