Monitors ready

As many as 231 people have applied to act as independent monitors for the Bahrain Election 2018, it is learned.

The monitors represent four NGOs - Bahrain Transparency Association (BTA), Bahraini Jurists Society (BJS), Bahrain Public Relations Association (BPRA), and Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS), in addition to the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR).

The Supreme Committee for General Supervision of Elections is now processing their registrations. It said it appreciated the work of the civil societies in monitoring past elections and was keen to cooperate with them to promote the integrity and transparency of the electoral process and ensure the rule of law.

Electoral monitoring covers all stages of the election process. Monitors will examine the conduct of candidates, political societies and other civil institutions to ensure they abide by electoral laws. They will also monitor the conduct of voters, citizens, and individuals in regard to abiding with electoral laws, and will observe the use of places of worship and use of religious discourse to promote candidates or disparage others.

They will also monitor any other violations considered punishable according to the relevant laws. The announcement comes as a result of a September 30 order by the Supreme Committee that called for Elections National Monitoring to be built on field-based supervision of the electoral process, with data collected objectively, neutrally and impartially to ensure electoral procedures were applied properly, and any violations noted.

The Supreme Committee asked civil societies wishing to participate to submit applications for registration by November 5. Monitors will present the results and conclusions of their observations, including facts and supporting evidence. They must avoid relying on unverified information, testimony or statements when assessing the conduct of the electoral process.