*** Bahrain voted to victory | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain voted to victory

Bahraini voters turned out in large numbers to select their representatives to the parliament and municipal councils yesterday.

The preliminary rate of voter turnout has been announced at 67 per cent, well above the 53pc witnessed during the Kingdom’s last elections in 2014. Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments, revealing the participation figure after the close of polling, said: “The increased turnout builds on the success of the 2014 elections, and ensures a clear mandate for a parliament representing the diverse range of views in Bahraini society.”

Bahrainis’ commitment to exercising their ballot was a clear indication of Bahrainis’ support for the process of democratisation, he added, and showed their rejection of external forces who have deliberately sought to derail the electoral process.

The 2018 elections have seen a record number of women candidates, with 39 women filing nominations for the elections to the House of representatives and eight for municipal councils. The relative proportion of younger voters taking part in the elections also showed a significant increase, with more than 50,000 young men and women eligible to vote for the first time.

The polls were held between 8 am and 8 pm yesterday. A few early results were declared last night until the press time. In all, 430 candidates stood for the elections – 293 for the House of Representatives, and 137 for municipal councils.

The polling – and the count – are being monitored by 231 observers from four civil society associations in addition to the National Institute for Human Rights. Full judicial supervision of all stages of the electoral process has guaranteed its integrity, according to Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Ministry sources.

The parliament has significant powers to hold the government to account. These include the right to approve the State Budget and the upcoming Government Action Plan.


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