*** Iran source of 41,000 e-messages sent to disrupt elections | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Iran source of 41,000 e-messages sent to disrupt elections

Malicious hackers attempted to mislead voters by text messages with false information, it emerged.

The Director-General of Anti-Corruption and Economic and Electronic Security announced yesterday that Iran was the source for nearly 41,000 e-messages aimed to disrupt the parliamentary and municipal elections.

“The crime was committed by individuals in Bahrain and Iran, in which they hacked a number of servers to carry out their illegal act. Legal procedures are being taken to refer the case to the Public Prosecution.”

Voters received messages stating that they are ineligible to vote as their names were removed from the voters, say sources. According to sources, malicious hackers sent the messages disguised as Bahraini authorities.

Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa warned against such fake messages, adding that their sources are being dealt with.

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