*** ‘More women lawmakers need of the hour’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘More women lawmakers need of the hour’

Leading Bahraini businessman Mohammed Dadabhai said the elections will pave way for new blood to work with the experienced elements in the society for a better Bahrain.

Mr Dadabhai who exercised his democratic right at the Shaikh Khalifa Institute of Technology in Busaiteen, said that the proper functioning of its parliament is important for any country to attract more investments.

“Economic growth is good for everyone. The country progresses and the creation of job opportunities serves the public. I am confident that there will new blood in the parliament during the next four years and they will contribute towards the kingdom’s democratisation process initiated by His Majesty the King.”

Mr Dadabhai added that he hope women would get a fair share of seats in the upcoming parliament. “I support women and we all know that they have succeeded at all levels in the Parliament. I hope they will occupy leading seats.

“Our democracy is a newly-born one and after 16 years we can now say that it is taking form and the public is more aware of their rights and is aware as to who should represent them in the parliament. “I am proud to exercise my democratic right and I believe everyone should do it for our beloved Bahrain.”