*** Peace, the ultimate goal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Peace, the ultimate goal

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has stressed that the world is currently facing increasing challenges that pose a threat to security and stability, calling on the International Community to draw lessons from the experiences of the past. HRH Premier said that wars and conflicts have left nothing but destruction and devastation, and they are the first obstacle to peoples’ unity and life in love and peace.

“Peace is sought by everyone, and the ultimate goal of all those who raise the motto of coexistence, diversity, and acceptance of the other,” he said, affirming that Bahrain always extends its hand to those whose goals are to achieve the Good, security and stability for humanity. HRH Premier emphasized that Bahrain is an internationally-recognized land of co-existence, tranquility, as well as intellectual and cultural diversity.

The Prime Minister made the statements while receiving, at the Gudaibiya Palace yesterday, heads and representatives of a number of institutions, associations, and civil society organizations, from European, Asian and African countries, that are interested in promoting peace, co-existence, and dialogue among cultures and peoples.

HRH Premier welcomed the visit of the advocates of peace to the kingdom, noting that it is a good opportunity for them to be informed closely about the love, coexistence, and peace that prevail across the Bahraini society.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of such visits and meetings in enhancing rapprochement, dialogue, and exchange of visions vis-àvis everything that would support global peace. “We share the vision on the need to work together for the sake of spreading peace as a central value for realizing the aspirations of nations and peoples for a more peaceful life,” the Premier said while addressing members of the delegation.

“Every human being has the right to live in peace and in a climate of stability that stimulates development and nation-building. Development and modernization are key to peoples’ prosperity,” he added.